National Science and Technology Management
Information System
Department of Science & Technology
Government of India

The National Science and Technology Management Information System (NSTMIS) scheme under Policy Coordination and Programme Management (PCPM) division of Department of Science and Technology (DST) has been involved in the task of building the information base on a continuous basis on resources devoted to scientific and technological activities for policy planning in the country.

As a result, a large number of structured information resources are being published by the Division in the form of reports, directories, statistical data, and other forms of documents. These publications are acclaimed both nationally and internationally and are widely referred to by scientists, funding agencies, planners, policy makers, scholars and academicians.

This Digital Repository is an initiative by the NSTMIS and aims to provide information from these publications which are regularly being added for reference.
In-house Research Sponsored Research
Regular Publications Occasional Publications Extramural R&D Projects
Directory of Research and Development institutions Biennial Analysis of Outcome of Extramural R&D Projects Project Completion Reports
Directory of Extramural Research and Development Projects Annual Indian Origin Academicians (IOA)
Funding Pattern of Sponsored Research by Scientific Agencies Quinquennial Impact Evaluation Report: Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology Infrastructure (FIST) Scheme  
Updated R&D Statistics at a Glance, 2022-23 Indian National Innovation Survey
with special focus on MSMEs
Research and Development Statistics Biennial Three Decades of NSTMIS Scheme
-1985-2015: Research Summaries
Updated S&T Indicators Tables 2022-23 Teaching and Research in Science and Technology Faculty in Universities- Selected Statistics  
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